Journey through the magical land of Hoshena, a once lush place that now lays bare and empty since emotions were banished, and help restore the kingdom to its former glory, all without leaving the dinner table. Yes there’s a new immersive dining experience coming to town and it’s premiering at Westfield Shepherd’s Bush.
Creative producer Nadine Beshir has teamed up with projection artists Davy and Kristin McGuire to create the Banquet of Hoshena, a projector-led concept that uses cutting edge 3D visuals, image mapping and props to take diners on a journey through Hoshena. Each dish in the five course menu represents an emotion and becomes an interactive eating experience thanks to accompanying sounds, scents and illusions – yes there will be dry ice. There are three packages available for the two-hour show, with options to add wine and cocktail pairings if you wanna go all out.
Fri 19th April – Weds 7th August 2019
Westfield, Ariel Way, London, W12 7GF