covered in bloody / but at least I’m having fun”…taken from their new single STITCHES, this pretty much sums up exactly how our Band of the Month should sound. They played Reading & Leeds this year and have a lot more exciting things happening. Septembers BOTM, BLOODY KNEES…Tell us how it all started for Bloody Knees?
Brad was bored one day, started writing some tracks, sent them to the rest of us and decided to start a band. That was it! We didn’t really have any plans to play live, a friend booked us on a whim on a stage he was booking at southsea fest, that went well and we decided to keep going. Been keeping going since.
How are some of the bands and inspirations that make up your sound?
Don Broco is everything. They are zen embodied in 4 men from Bedford.
Your track ‘Stitches‘ came about after an incident on tour with Wolf Alice, can you tell us the story?
That story is better told through the medium of Instagram rather than prose.
Tell us more about your debut Ep which has just dropped?
The theme that stitches it together (AHAHAHAHAHA) is a feeling of desperation/alienation/hopelessness but also having a great time and keeping your chin up… I think. It was recorded in two stints with Rory Attwell on a boat and our best friend Jim Jam in a garden. It’s something we’re all very proud of and from what we’ve gathered so far, a few other people are in to it.
Whats the plan for the rest of 2014?
We’re touring with Honeyblood later this month, something we all can’t wait for. We’re going into the studio again in a week for something before the end of the year, not sure what it’ll be but it’s going to be sludgy and really dirty sounding. Hopefully lots more tours with loads more friends, that’s a lot more fun than sitting around at home watching tweets and soundcloud plays.
What new music are you guys currently listening to?
I can’t speak for the rest of the guys but I’m loving the new Caribou tracks and can’t wait for the new Flying Lotus album. I’m really excited to hear the new Nai Harvest album which is being demo’d now and the new tracks The Magic Gang have been recording recently.