you bakers, we’ve just learned of this incredible, edible cake installation taking place at The Truman Brewery where you budding treat makers can bake your dreams come true. Got a passion for cake making and always fancied setting up a little business…well here is your chance to have your ideas heard, listened to and discussed by a panel of cake heads (experts).Tate & Lyle Sugars are hosting ‘Bake Your Dreams Come True’ so dont let your ideas burn away in the oven, let them out for us all to share. There will also be lots of edible art on show meaning no one there leaves hungry.
Remember people Bakers earn the majority of their income in the morning, they earn most of their dough at yeast by a leaven o’clock…we’ll get our coats!
Bake the mould people…bake the mould!
Bake Your Dreams Come True
Thur 10th April 2014, 11am – 5pm
Truman Shop 12, 91 Brick Lane, London, E1 6QL