
More addictive than crack and hell of a lot better for you, it’s nigh on impossible to ignore the avo-lution that has taken over Instagram accounts and brunch menus everywhere. A big fan of the world’s favourite green fruit? Well it’s time to avo-look at a new pop-up from the people who brought us five-course avocado brunch: the AVOLUTION. Taking things to another level of avo-ration, there are a whole host of events going on in addition to the five-course tasting menu. These will include an avocado bar, avocado sumo wrestling and avocado cushion making. You name it, if it’s avocado-themed, it’s probably going to be there.

Any avo-lovers interested will have to try their luck by entering their name into a ticket ballot. Those who are successful will hear by 20th October and will be able to pick a convenient time and date to attend the avocado-fest, which will be taking place in November. Go on, avo go!

Secret Location!
