may well be in the grasp of winters grip but Animal Collective’s beaming new track ‘FloriDada’ will shake you free from your seasonal blues. Taken from the collective’s eleventh album ‘Painting With’, ‘FloriDada’ is first single from the LP and can be likened to that of a sonic bouncy castle; built from squishy synths and tribal drums inflated with skipping harmonies, imagine The Beach Boys collaborating with Everything Everything and you won’t be far wrong.The trio began sketching demos in early 2015 focusing on clean cut material with Avey Tare of the band stating they wanted “really short songs: no B.S, get in, get out material”. The results is the groups most focused work, drawing influences from art (cubism and Dadaism) and everyday human experiences to create their masterpiece.
‘Painting With’ is released February 19th on Domino.