are skating their way into East London this coming Saturday with their global skate team in tow to host a football-themed skate jam. Benny Fairfax for England, Lucas Puig for France, Mark Gonzales for the USA, Raul Navarro for Spain, Rodrigo TX for Brazil and Lem Villemin for Germany have been skating their way around the world to promote the release of Deedus’s ‘Skate Copa’ collection, 6 football jerseys that have been specifically designed in collaboration with each of their respective deck brands as a tribute to Adidas’s footballing heritage.The event takes place at The Courtyard on Mare Street and it is totally free to enter and kicks off at 1pm. For more info hit up the hashtag on Twitter #adidasskatecopa
Sat 6th June 2014, 1pm
Skate Copa, The Courtyard, 129 – 131 Mare Street, London E8