Public bloody transport…you can’t trust it. Staring at the inside of somebody’s shirt collar on the tube for 45 minutes is not fun. Neither is sharing the smell of someone eating something ugly on the bus. Hot and sweaty versus stinking, it’s not a great choice is it. Y0u could always cycle….well sometimes you just can’t can you? Especially this time of year when there’s all sorts going on and you’re invited for Christmas drinks and you need to dive in here and dive in there, not with cycle hair you can’t. Uber seems to be taking over London, but who wants to wait an hour while the surge charge drops back to something more reasonable. What we all need are black cabs…Hail the London black cab, the taxi driver telling you about his Mrs, or life before mobile phones and this bloody Twitter nonsense, and that time he went to Blackpool for the weekend and lost a finger…it’s bloody brilliant.
Get £5 off your first ride with Gett right here. It’s dead easy to Gett anywhere for cheap now…