Boredom can be a burdensome beast, but there are plenty of things to do to stave off those feelings of restlessness. From self-learning to constructive hobbies, there’s no shortage of avenues to explore when you sense a little monotony settling in. 

If you want to get good at cards, you can learn with an online poker guide. If spring cleaning sounds like a good idea, we’ve got you covered with a handy tip or two. Take a look at our list of 20 things to do if you’re bored at home. You may be surprised by the variety of things you can enjoy when it seems like there’s nothing to do.

  1. Call a friend or loved one

Maintaining relationships can be tough, especially in the fast pace of our modern world. Take some time out of your day to let those you care about know how much they’re valued. A little love and kindness go a long way.

  1. Learn a new language

These days learning a new language is a lot more accessible than it used to be. Thanks to advances in technology, mobile apps like Duolingo and Babbel have made learning a new language a lot easier than it used to be.

  1. Listen to music

Music is an incredibly powerful motivator and can be used in a wide range of activities. Whether you want some background noise, a steady rhythm, or an uplifting mood-changer, there’s a song to suit practically any situation.

  1. Get green fingers

Get some green fingers by learning how to grow your own herb garden or vegetable patch. Looking after plants and flowers gives you something to care for regularly, ensuring that you have something therapeutic to look forward to every day.

  1. Learn to cook

Grab a cookbook and learn some recipes. Maybe try a style of cooking you’re unfamiliar with, or introduce yourself to the wonders of baking. The options are near-limitless; you could try pickling foods, making your own bread, or even try your hand at making craft beer.

  1. Colour in or do a puzzle

Colouring books aren’t just for children, and some puzzles can be immensely challenging. Take yourself back to a simpler time, and enjoy the conundrum of a good crossword puzzle, or any brainteaser for that matter.

  1. Consider getting a pet

A pet is a great way to keep boredom at bay. Fish, birds, cats, dogs, and even exotic pets are an option. Just make sure you know what it takes to look after your chosen pet well.

  1. Exercise

Get your heart rate up and stay healthy by keeping active. Maybe take a walk around your neighbourhood, or join a community sports team. Recreational sport or a new workout routine can counter any feelings of repetition typically associated with regular exercise.

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  1. Clean out your cupboards

Doing housework can be intimidating. One way to overcome this is to organise a specific area. If you want to spring clean for example, why not empty your cupboards one at a time? It’s a lot more manageable than doing the whole kitchen in one day, for example.

  1. Meditate

Peace of mind can be a struggle when you’re alone with your thoughts. Teach yourself to control your thinking by meditating, or learning good breathing habits. Yoga could be a good idea, as it offers over 100 poses to help you maintain your flexibility.

  1. Get into recycling

Sorting your rubbish is beneficial to the environment. Being conscious of waste will definitely save you money in the long run. For example, if you decide to take up gardening, create your own compost with recycled waste, and save yourself from the need to buy expensive fertilizers.

  1. Decorate

A good room layout can work wonders. Spruce up any room with a plant or two to add some vibrant green to your house. Do a little DIY by repainting old walls, or switch around some furniture. There’s a lot you can do to brighten your environment and freshen things up.

  1. Movie marathons

Pick a theme and explore a genre you’re unfamiliar with. A popular strategy is to check the best movies of all time, and see what catches your fancy. You may be surprised by something you’ve missed. You could also focus on documentaries or a new series you’ve heard about.

  1. Explore hobbies

There’s a ridiculous variety of hobbies out there, from painting and sculpting to sewing and drawing. Buy an easel if you want to start painting, or invest in some clay if you’re feeling creative. No matter your preference, there’s always a new hobby to explore.

  1. Read a book

Now is the perfect time to read that book you’ve always wanted to finish. If you don’t have one in mind, look at a few bestseller lists, or search for a top 10 list in any category. You can ask friends and colleagues for their recommendations too.

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  1. Play video games

One of the most popular pastimes in the world, video games are ideal if you’re craving some interactive entertainment. Pick one of the many platforms available, grab some games, and you’ll be ready to join in the fun of the fastest-growing entertainment industry.

  1. Stay informed

Following current events will keep you updated on the biggest news stories. Staying up-to-date on the latest local and international headlines will improve your education, and you’ll gain awareness of critical global issues.

  1. Write a journal

Writing is a good way to exercise the brain. Whether you keep a diary or bullet-point the highlights of your day, documenting your life will make your day-to-day activities much more organised, and easier to manage.

  1. Plan a trip

Use idle time to figure out where you want your next adventure to take you. It’s hard to deny the allure of unexplored sights and sounds. If you take the time to consolidate your finances you’ll be able to work out if a trip is on the cards, or if it’s better to save up a bit more instead.

  1. It’s okay to do nothing

Last but not least, it’s perfectly fine to sit back and relax. All you have to do is learn to be comfortable with your own thoughts and explore your way of thinking. It’s actually quite normal to have a conversation with yourself, just try to not let anyone hear your solitary exchange.
