air seemed cool and still, the town ghostly quiet. I walked a little further along the alley where the last of the sun threw a yellow beam on the back wall. Something was there, moving, curled up in the corner. I walked closer…I could make out the shape of a person with their back to me, the shuffling of my feet startled them and it turned. Fear grabbed every inch of my body and I couldn’t move. Their face, or more their skull showed a face barely recognisable, sunken dark eyes, wild stare and ghoulish mouth with what looked like blood dripping from it. It rose and tried to make its way towards me…there is only one thing this could mean…ZOOOOOOOOOOOOMBIES!If you are partial to a zombie film or two why not take it one step further and take part in a real-life interactive zombie game. 2.8 hours later is where you and your team, can attempt to escape the living dead to the safety of Resistance HQ. With the aid of maps and secret locations through out London, you will encounter real life Zombies who will try and infect your blood to stop you from reaching your safety zone. With locations transformed into zombie like film sets and people playing secret parts in your survival 2.8 hours later is the ultimate zombie game for diehard fans.
After all the blood has dried you can enjoy a zombie disco with a few drinks and you know Thriller will be played at least once… Get your tickets now they WILL sell out!
October 27-29, when the sun goes down